Khamis, Februari 25, 2010
kali ni entry melayu lak..hehe.
kisah : nasib penunggang scoot..(haku la)
berbulan - bulan yg lalu..ku pendam saja geram nih
ni yg akal pendek.harap tua ja dari consideration kesedaran sivik..boleh blah.
parking keta ada byk kosong..
kt depan ofis gak depa nk park pn..sepatutnya boss ngn big boss ja leh park depan tuh
scoot ak?
kena la mencelah..xkan la ak nk parking kt hujng deret kedai tuh.panas +sunyi..bahaya utk perempuan.
ye la ak ngn scoot...nk sruh ak park kt ats depan nih..hey tolong la..scoot ak sangkut kt bawah la kalo kena tmpat naik tuh..scoot kan rendah..ala macam keta yg modified bg rendah tuh..confirm sangkut bum
ye la..ak xmampu nak naik keta..even ak ada cara ak nk jimat belanja..
nk sruh ak park depan jalan tuh..wei..cian la scoot ak..duk tgh panas.xpepasai angin taya kurang.kalo keta xpa..leh pasang aircond lepas moto..panas bontot la..
end up tau x..
kenkdg side mirror ak jd mangsa..dh longgar beb yg belah kiri tuh..huhu..
+ubah moto sesuka hati..senget la..side mirror pn senget la..lpas tuh..mmg ak yg kina ubah kes kereta bodo park sesuka hati..especially after lunch..
ada skali tuh..jenuh ak tarik kunci taya depan..lekat sebb org bangang ubah suka suki..
+ada masa ak lak kena usik ngn org bodo..ak xlayan depa bkn sebab apa..memula ok la..lama2..naik rimas ak..cara mulut xtahan tuh..geli eden..auwww..ada skali tuh la..staf ofis seblh..permpn..baik ja..mcm back up skit la..time tuh depa duk usik gak..end up.ak trus bikin..DH KAWEN!..ak siap tunjuk cincin..permpn tu org punya la..buat apa nk kaco..amek ko..sebelum ni ak pernh bilang..dh kawen..xcaya..
tektik ku berjaya..
ak cuma leh posting dlm nih..cakap sush xcakap susah..pernah aritu..
ak ckp kt org tuh..dh depa parking suka parking la cni..
hmm silap la ak xckp..ini bkn parking berbayar pn..kenkdg ak terpiki.org2 kita mmg ada malas nk parking jauh skit..berat pungkok betui..dh nama park betui2..kalo la..
ak ni..kalo bab gaduh..dlu2 la..mmg ak terror..yer la..cari pasai mmg cari nahas..zaman tomboi dh berlalu..
skrang hmm berubah..kerna blajo sabo..
xpa..ada ubi ada batas..ada hari Tuhan balas..
sometime..when i think about..i need my man back..
dear..protect me..from those who thinks that they were good enough
sebagai rider scoot..cara pemakaian..mcm ninja..ak rs the only one in my neighbourhood..
ada gak yg perli ak..kenkdg ak nk sergah wat apa layan org bodo..kita jd bodo balik
moto ak..apa aku kesah la..kalo hg jatuh moto br hg tau
orang2 kita ni pelik la..suka suki la ak pakai mcm ninja pn.pernh ak tgk ada org gelak kt aku,kt trafic light..lantak la..kalo masin mulut ak ni br tau..xpa.ak xdoa depa jatuh..cuma ak bilang..kalo dh cium TAR jalan tuh..pepaham la yer kenapa ak pakai mcmni..opp sama yer..sorry la..
ak piki world!bukan ak samun sapa2 pn..bukan ak kacau org pun..mcm Mawi..WORLD!cuba tgk mat salleh oversea..naik basikal or gerek siap topi lg..yg pakai padding pn ada..apa ada hal?lu piki la ak xsampai la tahap pakai fulface mcm shoei,arai..ect naik scoot..bkn ak bw laju pn mcm bw superbike..haha..superbike mmg xdicipta utk bw slow..adehh itu warning signal..temperature akan muncul..
cuba la blajo piki..the reason..
kalo tutup mulut & hidung? sebab nk elak hidung ak terbau asap,sampah habuk..ak nih allergic benda alah tu..jenuh la kalo ak bersin ja sambil bw moto..
visor hitam? mata aku silau la..kang jd blind spot..bahaya dr org nk usya ak..ak ni bukan lawa sgt laki..kalo dh gatal..siott ja.
glove? xnak bg tangan ak burn dek matahari yg membahang,sedap skit pulas minyak..hehe..
+ inilah penyelamat ak dari cedera aritu jatuh..korang bygkan la..kalo jatuh..apa yg tahan dlu..tentulah tangan..tapak tangan ak terselamat dari terseret kena sagat dek Tar..
jaket?sebb ak xsuka tudung ak mengerbang semacam dek angin..skali ngn baju ak rs nk terbang..
xkesah la apa2 pn..undang2 jalan raya ak patuhi..ak pakai aksesori utk keselamatan far, polis trafik yg nmpk ak xpernh tahan ak pun..
pernah ak isi myk kt satu tempat..pakcik tua tuh hampes..tempik2 kt aku..ingt ak ni apa ker>ingt ak nk samun..xlh ckp elok2 ka>im da customer..rupanye dia nk sruh ak tuka tmpt.tolong la..xda pn tulis tgh repair..ckp la elok2 skit..kurang hormat ak..lpas ak isi dan mula jalan.dia tempik balik..bengong tua gila..mana da sangkut wire isi myk tuh..kalot..poyo..
well la ni ada dua port ak slalu isi myk..org2 kdai tuh tau ak..hehe..bdk customer..
and last but not least..
it is also fashion as a scoot rider..sempoi kan..ak pakai bertutup k..bukan ak pakai terdedah sana cni,menampakkan bentuk badan mcm sesetengah org tuh,nmpk spenda la..laki ka permpn ka ada laki..hmm ak pernh nmpk..oh tidak..laki pn nk wat freeshow..kalo bkn spenda boxer..
tapi bg ak la..boxer ak kira spenda..sebb pakai dlm sluar..haha..sorry guys. lagi dahsyat dr permpn tau..terang gitu..kdg2 ada yg cop brand..haha..boxer..standard kale..gelap..corak petak2..ak heran gak knapa mesti corak petak..mcm kain pelikat lak..haha..oppss..kalo permpn..boleh fhm la yer..sapa sruh pakai bj singkat kt blakang..xpandai cover lgsng..
pernah ak marah adik kesayangan ak sebb tu..xkira..spenda gak..gadoh lg..haha..i love my brother very much..yes ptg ni dia balik rumah..dia duk hostel seminggu..rindu nk gadoh..a a sapa xsayang adik....
pernah baca article fashion.nih disokong professional fashion.tgk tv..mcm program e buzz kt astro tuh..
sebarang fashion yg menampakkan underwear adalh bkn dikenali..gangguan utk menggoda..memalukan individu yg dipakai..
opp terpanjang lak..
Rabu, Februari 24, 2010
post for today is about dream.
what kind of dream?
Baby, you stood me around
The Earth is movin, but I can't feel the ground
Every time you look at me
My heart is jumpin, it's easy to see
Lovin you means so much more
More than anything I ever felt before
You Drive me crazy
I just cant sleep
Im so excited, Im in to deep
Ohh...Crazy, But it feels alright
Baby, thinkin of you keeps me up all night
Tell Me, Your so into me
That im the only one you will see
Tell me, im not in the blue
That i'm not wastin, my feelins on you
Lovin you means so much more
More than anything I ever felt before
[Repeat CHORUS]
Crazy, I just can't sleep
I'm so excited, Im in to deep
Crazy, But it feels alright
Every Day and Every Night
[Repeat CHORUS]
You Drive Me Crazy (You drive me crazy baby)
Ohh..Crazy, But It Feels Alright
Baby Thinkin of you keeps me up all night
Baby Thinkin of you keeps me up all night
I think suit me at that time..due to the crazy crazy crazy thing..
On 14 Feb 2010..went wedding ride at Kg. Tanjung Inggeris,Langgar..It's our biking member, Mutanic a.k.a Hafiz..enjoy da pics..edited version.copy from them..haha..RV (review point) Tol Utara Alor Setar at 12pm
thanks readers..
Isnin, Februari 15, 2010
To all my readers,my family,my uncles,aunties,cousins,Tomodachi(Friends),Biking friends,my alma matter, my Long Lost Friend-Marhafizah Markali a.k.a chester a.k.a bun a.k.a fizz etc..(where are you?)
the expected Date of our Solemnization : 2nd July 2010
our wedding,my side : 3rd July 2010
his wedding side : 10th July 2010
if not we are planning on's not school holiday..and it's not public holiday for Kedah State..
Hope everything go smoothly..He also need to fulfill HIV test,Fitting cloth, looking for my shoe for souvenier, yeye...oh my God!..i am getting nervous..
hope it can be the end of june coz..i am so worried about getting the visa..huhu..argghhh..the requirement..the apply visa must at least 3months before departure..+ it gonna be a long queue..coz other international will be back to renew/apply visa..Passport?already done..hehe..
we expect to fly from Malaysia to Heathrow,London on 18th September 2010..sayonara Malaysia..huhu..gona miss everybody here..almost 3months to collect especially..hehe..
our honeymoon..err..not sure yet..if enough time and money..will go somewhere..a lot of money to be spent for preparation wedding and visa is under student coz i am following my husband whom is a student, University of Glamorgan ,it's in Wales..near Cardiff...
then..right now, i can start to look for job..i can work there without any problem,already ask the visa officer. What kind of work i can fit in?waitress?salesperson?cashier?floor engineer(tukang sapu)?
wash the dishes?err wonder about my english..still not that fluent enough..fuhh as long as i am willing to improve my english and understand their dialect...imagine that cute girl Emma Watson in Harry Potter..the way their dialect is like that a bit..depend on person also..
Halal food is not a problem..there's a muslim people around us..from Pakistan,etc..don't know yet the situation hheehee..not much muslim girl there..fuhh..
Eheemm..i will be surrounded by new brothers..or boys..wahh..i gona have so many brothers..
oh not to i gona adapt that cold weather?er..that's my fiance..during's snowy..actually it's their during other season..but in gona be hot..not that hot..but not gone be 30 degrees..hehe..somebody told me..during summer..everbody wearing colorful dress..
that place is take about 3hours from london..kind a from Ipoh to car or's not a busy place like london...hehe..still cheap and affordable..
thank you for your time..readers..
Ahad, Februari 14, 2010
Hehe will update good news later..
fuhh.i feel like i just finished 100m track..
today..went out ride..for Mutanic wedding..then went to Kuala Nerang..
jya ne..see ya later
Khamis, Februari 11, 2010
kita layan lagu jap..
It's All Coming Back To Me Now
There were nights when the wind was so cold
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window
There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever
I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can't remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made
But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me
When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me
It's all coming back, it's all coming back to me now
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than any laws allow
Baby Baby
If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this
And if you need me like that
It was dead long ago
But it's all coming back to me
It's so hard to resist
And it's all coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
But it's all coming back
There were those empty threats and hollow lies
And whenever you tried to hurt me
I just hurt you even worse
And so much deeper
There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last we'd count up all the chances
That were lost to us forever
But you were history with the slamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then
But if I touch you like this
And if you kiss me like that
It was so long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you touch me like this
And if I kiss you like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
It's all coming back, it's all coming back to me now
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow
Baby, Baby, Baby
When you touch me like this
And when you hold me like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
Then we see what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
If you forgive me all this
If I forgive you all that
We forgive and forget
And it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
We see just what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me now
(It's all coming back to me now)
And when you kiss me like this
(It's all coming back to me now)
And when I touch you like that
(It's all coming back to me now)
If you do it like this (It's all coming back to me now)
And if we...
To those bujang,single & available..before making proposal..think twice
clik MLTR & another version from SmallVille Click Small Ville version
25 Minutes
After some time I’ve finally made up my mind
She is the girl and I really want to make her mine
I’m searching everywhere to find her again
To tell her I love her
And I’m sorry ’bout the things I’ve done
I find her standing in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn’t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she’s crying while she’s saying this
Boy I missed your kisses all the time but this is
Twenty five minutes too late
Though you travelled so far boy I’m sorry you are
Twenty five minutes too late
Against the wind I’m going home again
Wishing be back to the time when we were more than
Still I see her in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn’t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she’s cried while she’s saying this
Out in the streets
Places where hungry hearts have nothing to eat
Inside my head
Still I can hear the words she said
I can still hear what she said
Khamis, Februari 11, 2010
right now i am searching for wedding card invitation..been thinking..maybe we can combine both side..really can save..i've found few that suit my taste..hehe..
well, i can't reveal yet out our wedding theme...sorry la..maybe some of you knew it..hehe..shhh himitsu..
and ofcourse it's unique like me..cutie..haha..opp poyo lakk..
and not forgetting..paper bag..already miss a promotion..well..will look up something..budget..haha..
means that affodable for us..berbaloi-baloi..
if u guys..have any idea regarding wedding card invitation and paper bag..let me know ok
yeahh tomorrow is da date reveal..fuhh..what's cooking? mee kuah..pergghhh lovely..
Rabu, Februari 10, 2010
Selasa, Februari 02, 2010
On da say goodbye to my sis,Ct,before leaving to look for that time we were just in front of the Masjid Jamek, Jalan Masjid India..suddenly we heard.."Pencuri!-snacth theft..just right from the corner..only 50m from us..suddenly there's a guy came from our back..flying kick the motorcycle to stop them..almost crash an MPV next to it..fallen down..both of them just stole around 20pieces of cheap textile..damn.idiots!!stupid!!.. got beaten by peoples there..
what a shocked guys..just in front of us..if we move forward,ofcourse we would got injured..fuuhh..only 20m from us..scared a sis..she's scared..teary eyes..there's auntie asking wether she was the victim or not..
no la..she was teary coz have to say goodbye to my la akak aku manja.. =)..err..we are different characaters..i am naughty..childlish look..manja?.. : p
the situation getting hot for around 5minutes..the victim..the people..fighting...quarreled...then there's an old men ask them to stop hitting them a let the police solved it..eewww..the snacth theft almost get hit with a helmet..auww..
after they clear the road..we walk through looking for taxi..can't see what happen inside the police station..fuhhh..there were people spying from the window..
and again..we were safe..fuhh..
Selasa, Februari 02, 2010
1st..packed our stuff..check out early..hehe..glad we can kept our luggage at the hotel..we went to Midvalley,Bangsar, via Putra LRT & KL Sentral..brought my mom to GM..she bought a new Midvalley, we search the stuff to buy for Jusco..not much choice..Metrojaya..woww..i like this Chinese New Year Sale. The price and discount..cheaper than usual..
Oh..forgot to mention..started that a sore throat..something stuck at my voice..i became a rockers voice..haha..kind a hard for me to salesperson.confious of what i need..opp..found a wallet that my future FIL asked me to buy..damn..hard for me to talk on the phone with that voice..found something for my fiancee..hope he likes it..fuhh enough for my budget..
looking for high heel to wear during my wedding..not much were suitable for my foot..huhu..hard to find one..sad a bit..but it's ok..still enough time =)..
Rushing hotel by take our friend,Bro Zaki, regarding souvenier..wooww..i like..looking for taxi..aiya..that 1st taxi was lazy..he told us traffic lazy..ok..fine..don't you know there's another shortcut to reach KL Sentral!!!got 2nd taxi..fuh..thanks uncle..we came to KL with 2 luggage..back home with 3 luggage..haha..check in flight at KL klia ekspres
opp a new promotion to LCCT..check it out click LCCT
next..will go to again..haha..+family vacation..
Selasa, Februari 02, 2010